Chronic loneliness and its potential effects on both mental and physical health?

With Elisabeth Shaw

We are honoured to have Elisabeth Shaw, the Chief Executive Officer of Relationships Australia NSW, a renowned organisation dedicated to relationship support, change, and development services across 22 locations, talk to us today about chronic loneliness. With her extensive experience in executive leadership, clinical psychology, and ethical consultation, Elisabeth is a trusted voice in the field. Her commitment to promoting healthy relationships and supporting vulnerable communities makes her a leading authority on addressing chronic loneliness and its impact on mental and physical health.

Join us for an insightful podcast discussion on chronic loneliness and its implications for mental and physical health in the workplace, featuring Elisabeth Shaw. Discover the misconceptions about loneliness, how it affects different populations like single parents and young people, and practical strategies for fostering meaningful connections at work. Learn from successful workplace initiatives combating loneliness and gain expert advice on identifying signs of loneliness and promoting employee well-being.

Elisabeth will share her expertise on relationship support and organisational leadership, highlighting the role of workplace relationships in combating loneliness and promoting a sense of community. Gain valuable insights into advocating for workplace mental health initiatives and prioritising employee well-being, directly from a seasoned leader in the field.

Tune in to gain valuable insights and actionable tips to create a supportive and connected workplace culture! Don’t miss this engaging conversation on prioritising mental health and combatting loneliness in your organisation.

Key Discussion Points:

  • Can you elaborate on the concept of chronic loneliness and its potential effects on both mental and physical health?
  • What are some common misconceptions about loneliness, particularly regarding age demographics, and how can leaders better understand and address these misconceptions in the workplace?
  • How does loneliness manifest in different populations, such as single parents and young people, and what unique challenges do they face in combating loneliness?
  • Can you discuss the distinction between being surrounded by others and experiencing meaningful connections? How can leaders foster genuine connections among employees within the workplace?
  • In your experience, what role do workplace relationships play in combating loneliness, and what strategies can leaders implement to promote a sense of community and belonging among employees?
  • Could you share examples of successful workplace initiatives or programs addressing loneliness? What measurable outcomes have these initiatives achieved?
  • How can leaders identify signs of loneliness among employees, and what supportive measures can they implement to offer assistance?
  • What resources or support networks are available for leaders to educate themselves and their teams about loneliness and its impacts?
  • Finally, could you advise leaders on advocating for and prioritising workplace mental health and well-being initiatives, particularly those that combat loneliness?

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