Your selection process is too lengthy
Great candidates usually have a few irons in the fire – don’t get caught up in a process that takes over a month – otherwise that person will get snapped up by somebody else.
Candidates are not bought into the opportunity
Have you really explained the benefits? I’m not talking a bowl of fruit in the office kitchen. I mean the intangibles. What can you offer over everyone else? Development is the key ingredient that most candidates will look for in their new role.
Arduous interviews or poor interview experience
It is a two way street when it comes to interviewing. Your prospective employee is interviewing you and your organisation as much as you are interviewing them.
“Over” interviewed for the job
If they need to meet five people, try and group some interviews together instead of bringing them back five times
Inaccurate or incomplete job details
Forgot to mention that they are expected to be available for calls at midnight for the New York office?
Counter offers
Talk about the scenario….what would they do if their current employer offered them more money and a plush new office? Remind them about why they wanted to leave in the first place. Also – it is a fact that people that are counter offered usually leave their position within six months anyway.
Too many individuals involved in the process
Does your current process involve the signatures of the whole board to sign off on a position? Do you think that this may show that it is hard to get things done in your organisation?
Hand out your role to multiple agencies
Greg Savage says it best “If the client gives the job to four recruiters, he is just fishing in the same limited, active job-seeker talent pond – and no recruiter will be committed enough to invest time searching beyond that pond.